The banner component is used to show bold WWF imagery alongside a message. It has various modifiers to help suit different imagery. Buttons and links can also be used as a strong call to action.
Orang-utans in the wild can live up to 50 years old
There are two species of orang-utan – the Bornean and the Sumatran. Orang-utans used to roam as far north as southern China, and as far south as the Indonesian island of Java. Today they’re only found on two islands – Sumatra and Borneo.
pull up content below banner to overlap with banner
change overlay color to white
remove overlay
place callout box at top of banner
place callout box at bottom of banner
center callout box
Banner carousel
The banner carousel can be used to communicate several messages and images in one component without adding extra height to a page or forcing users to scroll, instead users can navigate the banner left and right.
The threats The threats The threats The threats The threats The threats
Agriculture & farming
WWF are the world’s leading conservation organisation. We have a hugely important mission and our goals are ambitious – we’re here to stop the degradation of our Planet’s natural environment, and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
WWF are the world’s leading conservation organisation. We have a hugely important mission and our goals are ambitious – we’re here to stop the degradation of our Planet’s natural environment, and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
The threats
Climate change
WWF are the world’s leading conservation organisation. We have a hugely important mission and our goals are ambitious – we’re here to stop the degradation of our Planet’s natural environment, and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
The threats
WWF are the world’s leading conservation organisation. We have a hugely important mission and our goals are ambitious – we’re here to stop the degradation of our Planet’s natural environment, and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
WWF are the world’s leading conservation organisation. We have a hugely important mission and our goals are ambitious – we’re here to stop the degradation of our Planet’s natural environment, and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
Ideal for sharing multiple links with a common theme.
The wildlife
Hundreds of thousands of species live here. The Amazon river itself runs for more than 6,600km, and contains over two and a half times as many freshwater fish species than any other river.
The Image Banner component is used to display a single image. It's ideal for showcasing the beautiful, rich WWF imagery.
Link grid
The Link Grid displays various animal imagery along with additional information about their location and endangerment level.
Modifier class
wider link grid
higher z-index
Map wrapper
A component used to display a google map alongside a text block.
Orang-utans inhabit the tropical rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. Their numbers have declined by around 50% in the last 60 years, mainly because of the loss of these forests.
The orang-utan’s habitat is also home to other threatened animals – like the Sumatran tiger, clouded leopard, Asian elephant and Sumatran rhino. So by conserving the orang-utan’s habitat, we’re also benefiting other key species.
Media panel
The Media Panel displays a grid of blocks. The blocks keep their aspect ratio as the browser window changes size. Blocks can be one-third or two-thirds wide, but they cannot be used in any combination due to how the layout changes for mobile devices. Each block when hovered show an animated social share button in the upper right corner.
The membership form is an interactive component that allows users to donate to WWF with a monthly, or one-off donation. The background of the component changes image depending on which animal is selected.
Membership form temp drupal example
Temporary example
Play Banner
The Play Banner component is used to show a youtube video when the play button is clicked. The youtube video is inside of the .modal element which is found in the root of the body on all pages. The .modal_overlay element is an adjacent sibling of this element and is also required for the modal background.
The Quote & Link Block is used to share interesting insights from an individual, such as a wildlife expert. This component can then link to a page with more information.
Drew McVey Orang-utan Expert “Hi, I’m Drew! I have just returned from Sumatra and Borneo; where I had a chance to catch up with the Orang-utan species and to reflect on what we are working on to protect them.”
The Related Content component is a way of sharing related information at the end of a section or page, allowing users to click through and learn more about a specific subject. The blocks can be one-forth or two-forths wide, but can only be used in certian combinations (two-one-one, one-one-two and two-two), due to reposnsive contraints.
Modifier class
for blocks that are wider (half width)
Square carousel
A simple carousel that bleeds off of the edge of the page. Each block is a link with a learn more call to action below a heading and a message.
Our mission
We’re working together to protect wildlife and habitats.
Success Banner
The Success Banner is similar to the standard Banner component, but features a white callout box, with 'Success Story' tag. Modifiers allow for adjustments to suit different images.
Success Story
Draw the line Virunga campaign
This Earth Hour, switch off your lights and celebrate with us on 19 March at 8.30pm to show you care about our brilliant planet
This Earth Hour, switch off your lights and celebrate with us on 19 March at 8.30pm to show you care about our brilliant planet
Modifier class
invert text color
change overlay color to white
remove overlay
place callout box to the right
change callout box color to grey and background color to white
Text & Image block
This Text & Image Block component is used to display text on the left with an image on the right. The example shows the component being used to show animal endagerment levels.
Orang-utans are known as gardeners of the forest – playing a vital role in seed dispersal, especially for large seeds that are not spread by smaller animals.
The people of Borneo and Sumatra depend on the orang-utan’s forest for food, water, income and defence. For example in the 2004 tsunami, coastal orang-utan habitat in Sumatra protected the communities that lay behind it by absorbing the power of the waves. Communities not sheltered this way faced devastation – losing property and lives.
Text image left
This component can be used to display text on the right with an image on the left. Buttons and links can be used inside the content for further flexibilty.
Need help fundraising?
Struggling to find inspiration in your fundraising? Read our articles and guides for helpful tips and advice.
This component can be used to display text on the left with an image on the right. Buttons and links can be used inside the content for further flexibilty.
Why not run your own event?
None of our challenges take your fancy? You can still fundraise by entering other challenges or organising your own fundraising activity.
A carousel that displays text and image for each slide with a read more link.
The threats
This is by far the biggest problem in the Amazon. Huge areas of rainforest are destroyed by clearing for agriculture, illegal or unsustainable logging for timber, and for industrial or urban development. The basic problem is that not enough value is placed on the natural environment – it’s often seen as more economically viable to cut the forest down than keep it standing.
Increasing global demand for food, especially meat, has led to Brazil becoming the world’s biggest beef exporter, and the second-largest exporter of soybeans, which are mainly used for livestock feed. Forests are often cleared to make way for grazing land or soya plantations.
As well as farming and urban sprawl, the growth of hydropower dams, mines and oil wells – and the road networks to serve them – have all had impacts on the Amazon. These may be wanted for economic development, but if they’re poorly planned or managed they can cause serious environmental harm.
A bold, image led, banner ideally used as a page heading.
Run it, cycle it, do it for your planet
Modifier class
yellow background on callout box
white background on callout box
pull up content below banner to overlap with banner
Video Banner
The video banner shows a title message and a play button, which will open a youtube video. The youtube video is inside of the .modal element which is found in the root of the body on all pages. The .modal_overlay element is an adjacent sibling of this element and is also required for the modal background.
Who we are
WWF are the world’s leading conservation organisation. We have a hugely important mission and our goals are ambitious – we’re here to stop the degradation of our Planet’s natural environment, and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.