Cookie warning

The cookie warning notification will be send when first visiting the site and will be hidden once a user presses agree. This element needs to be in the root of the body element to ensure it can be placed above all other site elements.

Article wrapper

The article wrapper is a content focused component in which both text and imagery can be used.

Images are designed to be wider than the measure (width) of article text (which is wrapped in the smaller article wrapper). Imagery wrapped in the large article wrapper allows for maximum impact and to showcase WWF's photography effectively.

Tiger Cub

Article blockquote

Bold quote block to draw attention to specific, important information.

While waiting for the ice to freeze, some scavenge food along the coast, and are attracted to communities

Drew McVey

Article insights

Social insight block to allow users to share information on various social networks.

Modifier classPurpose
article_wrapper--largeexpand the width of the article wrapper to show wider content / imagery


Generic table used to display data.

Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3Heading 4
Lorem ipsum dolorSit ametConsectetur adipisicingElit sed do
Eiusmod temporIncididunt ut laboreEt dolore magnaAliqua enim
Ad minim veniamQuis nostrudExercitation ullamcoLaboris nisi ut
Aliquip ex ea commodoDuis aute irureDolor inReprehenderit in
Modifier classPurpose
.titleApply class to td/th to use the WWF font
.boldApply class to td/th to use bold font